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Defines the ExperimentConfig abstract class used as the basis of all experiments.


class FrozenClassVariables(abc.ABCMeta)


Metaclass for ExperimentConfig.

Ensures ExperimentConfig class-level attributes cannot be modified. ExperimentConfig attributes can still be modified at the object level.


class ExperimentConfig(, metaclass=FrozenClassVariables)


Abstract class used to define experiments.

Instead of using yaml or text files, experiments in our framework are defined as a class. In particular, to define an experiment one must define a new class inheriting from this class which implements all of the below methods. The below methods will then be called when running the experiment.


 | @abc.abstractmethod
 | tag() -> str


A string describing the experiment.


 | @abc.abstractmethod
 | training_pipeline(**kwargs) -> TrainingPipeline


Creates the training pipeline.


  • kwargs : Extra kwargs. Currently unused.


An instantiate TrainingPipeline object.


 | @abc.abstractmethod
 | machine_params(mode="train", **kwargs) -> Union[MachineParams, Dict[str, Any]]


Parameters used to specify machine information.

Machine information includes at least (1) the number of processes to train with and (2) the gpu devices indices to use.

mode : Whether or not the machine parameters should be those for "train", "valid", or "test". kwargs : Extra kwargs.


A dictionary of the form{"nprocesses": ..., "gpu_ids": ..., ...}. Here nprocesses must be a non-negative integer, gpu_ids must be a sequence of non-negative integers (if empty, then everything will be run on the cpu).


 | @abc.abstractmethod
 | create_model(**kwargs) -> nn.Module


Create the neural model.


 | @abc.abstractmethod
 | make_sampler_fn(**kwargs) -> TaskSampler


Create the TaskSampler given keyword arguments.

These kwargs will be generated by one of ExperimentConfig.train_task_sampler_args, ExperimentConfig.valid_task_sampler_args, or ExperimentConfig.test_task_sampler_args depending on whether the user has chosen to train, validate, or test.


 | train_task_sampler_args(process_ind: int, total_processes: int, devices: Optional[List[int]] = None, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, deterministic_cudnn: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]


Specifies the training parameters for the process_indth training process.

These parameters are meant be passed as keyword arguments to ExperimentConfig.make_sampler_fn to generate a task sampler.


  • process_ind : The unique index of the training process (0 ≤ process_ind < total_processes).
  • total_processes : The total number of training processes.
  • devices : Gpu devices (if any) to use.
  • seeds : The seeds to use, if any.
  • deterministic_cudnn : Whether or not to use deterministic cudnn.


The parameters for make_sampler_fn


 | valid_task_sampler_args(process_ind: int, total_processes: int, devices: Optional[List[int]] = None, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, deterministic_cudnn: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]


Specifies the validation parameters for the process_indth validation process.

See ExperimentConfig.train_task_sampler_args for parameter definitions.


 | test_task_sampler_args(process_ind: int, total_processes: int, devices: Optional[List[int]] = None, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, deterministic_cudnn: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]


Specifies the test parameters for the process_indth test process.

See ExperimentConfig.train_task_sampler_args for parameter definitions.