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How do I file a bug regarding the code or documentation?#

Please file bugs by submitting an issue. We also welcome contributions from the community, including new features and bugfixes on existing functionality. Please refer to our contribution guidelines.

How do I generate documentation?#

Documentation is generated using mkdoc and pydoc-markdown.

Building documentation locally#

The mkdocs command used to build our documentation relies on all documentation existing as subdirectories of the docs folder. To ensure that all relevant markdown files are placed into this directory, you should always run

bash scripts/

from the top-level project directory before running any of the mkdocs commands below.

If you have made no changes to the documentation and only wish to build documentation on your local machine, run the following from within the allenact root directory. Note: This will generate HTML documentation within the site folder

mkdocs build

Serving documentation locally#

If you have made no changes to the documentation and only wish to serve documentation on your local machine (with live reloading of modified documentation), run the following from within the allenact root directory.

mkdocs serve

Then navigate to

Modifying and serving documentation locally#

If you have made changes to the documentation, you will need to run a documentation builder script before you serve it on your local machine.

bash scripts/
mkdocs serve

Then navigate to

Alternatively, the site directory (once built) can be served as a static webpage on your local machine without installing any dependencies by running python -m http.server 8000 from within the site directory.