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Defining abstract loss classes for actor critic models.


class AbstractActorCriticLoss(Loss)


Abstract class representing a loss function used to train an ActorCriticModel.


 | @abc.abstractmethod
 | loss(step_count: int, batch: ObservationType, actor_critic_output: ActorCriticOutput[CategoricalDistr], *args, **kwargs, *, ,) -> Union[
 |         Tuple[torch.FloatTensor, Dict[str, float]],
 |         Tuple[torch.FloatTensor, Dict[str, float], Dict[str, float]],
 |     ]


Computes the loss.


  • batch : A batch of data corresponding to the information collected when rolling out (possibly many) agents over a fixed number of steps. In particular this batch should have the same format as that returned by RolloutStorage.recurrent_generator.
  • actor_critic_output : The output of calling an ActorCriticModel on the observations in batch.
  • args : Extra args.
  • kwargs : Extra kwargs.


A (0-dimensional) torch.FloatTensor corresponding to the computed loss. .backward() will be called on this tensor in order to compute a gradient update to the ActorCriticModel's parameters. A Dict[str, float] with scalar values corresponding to sub-losses. An optional Dict[str, float] with scalar values corresponding to extra info to be processed per epoch and combined across epochs by the engine.