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Baseline models ObjectNav (for RoboTHOR/iTHOR)#

This project contains the code for training baseline models for the ObjectNav task. In ObjectNav, the agent spawns at a location in an environment and is tasked to explore the environment until it finds an object of a certain type (such as TV or Basketball). Once the agent is confident that it has the object within sight it executes the END action which terminates the episode. If the agent is within a set distance to the target (in our case 1.0 meters) and the target is visible within its observation frame the agent succeeded, otherwise it failed.

Provided are experiment configs for training a simple convolutional model with an GRU using RGB, Depth or RGB-D (i.e. RGB+Depth) as inputs in RoboTHOR and iTHOR.

The experiments are set up to train models using the DD-PPO Reinforcement Learning Algorithm. For the RoboTHOR environment we also have and experiment ( showing how a model can be trained using DAgger, a form of imitation learning.

To train an experiment run the following command from the allenact root directory:


Where <PATH_TO_OUTPUT> is the path of the directory where we want the model weights and logs to be stored and <PATH_TO_EXPERIMENT_CONFIG> is the path to the python file containing the experiment configuration. An example usage of this command would be:

python projects/objectnav_baselines/experiments/robothor/ -o storage/objectnav-robothor-rgb

This trains a simple convolutional neural network with a GRU using RGB input passed through a pretrained ResNet-18 visual encoder on the PointNav task in the RoboTHOR environment and stores the model weights and logs to storage/pointnav-robothor-rgb.

RoboTHOR ObjectNav 2021 Challenge#

The experiment configs found under the projects/objectnav_baselines/experiments/robothor directory are designed to conform to the requirements of the RoboTHOR ObjectNav 2021 Challenge.

Training a baseline#

To train a baseline ResNet->GRU model taking RGB-D inputs, run the following command

python projects/objectnav_baselines/experiments/robothor/ -o storage/objectnav-robothor-rgbd

By default, when using a machine with a GPU, the above experiment will attempt to train using 60 parallel processes across all available GPUs. See the TRAIN_GPU_IDS constant in experiments/ and the NUM_PROCESSES constant in experiments/robothor/ if you'd like to change which GPUs are used or how many processes are run respectively.

Downloading our pretrained model checkpoint#

We provide a pretrained model obtained allowing the above command to run for all 300M training steps and then selecting the model checkpoint with best validation-set performance (for us occuring at ~170M training steps). You can download this model checkpoint by running

bash pretrained_model_ckpts/ robothor-objectnav-challenge-2021

from the top-level directory. This will download the pretrained model weights and save them at the path


Running inference on the pretrained model#

You can run inference on the above pretrained model (on the test dataset) by running

export SAVED_MODEL_PATH=pretrained_model_ckpts/robothor-objectnav-challenge-2021/Objectnav-RoboTHOR-RGBD-ResNetGRU-DDPPO/2021-02-09_22-35-15/
python projects/objectnav_baselines/experiments/robothor/ -c $SAVED_MODEL_PATH --eval

To discourage "cheating", the test dataset has been scrubbed of the information needed to actually compute the success rate / SPL of your model and so running the above will only save the trajectories your models take. To evaluate these trajectories you will have to submit them to our leaderboard, see here for more details. If you'd like to get a sense of if your model is doing well before submitting to the leaderboard, you can obtain the success rate / SPL of it on our validation dataset. To do this, you can simply comment-out the line

    TEST_DATASET_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "datasets/robothor-objectnav/test")

within the projects/objectnav_baselines/experiments/robothor/ file and rerun the above python ... command (when the test dataset is not given, the code defaults to using the validation set).